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Peace in the Storm
An open letter to friends of Kindred Life Ministries from the Board of Directors Mark 4 gives an account of Jesus and the disciples boating across the Sea of Galilee. The trip should have been an uneventful one, but a severe storm arose, and the boat began to sink....
Purpose-Filled Cup
What is in a Sippy Cup? For a teen parent perservering through high school, a part-time job and raising a child in our program, a Kindred Life Sippy Cup offers so much more than just financial support through our program. It is deeply meaningful, LIFE-GIVING,...
Golf Event Sponsors
Show your friends, neighbors, and colleagues your commitment to providing life-changing experiences to teen parents and become a Tee Off sponsor. We are offering various levels of sponsorships this year. $2000 - Ace Sponsor (one available) - 4 tickets- Logo on all...
Who Is Jesus?
What a loaded question right? Jesus is not a thought we have or a flannel board picture. He's not what we believe to make ourselves feel better about death. We want our teen parents to know about the real Jesus, son of God who came to heal, redeem, and love them into...
Sanctity of Human Life 2020
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday marks the anniversary of Roe V. Wade, instituted by President Regan in 1984 and is celebrated on the Sunday closest to the court decision made on January 22, 1973. This year, Sanctity of Human Life falls on January 19, 2020. Many...
Thank You Christmas Giving Angels
Dear Cheerful Giver, How can we thank you enough on behalf of our teen parents for the very bright Christmas you provided? Not only did each parent and child receive gifts, prayers, meals, craft and food to take home but also a very special gift from mom or dad to...
Merry Christmas From Kindred Life 2019
The Results Are In! Chili Cook-Off 2019
Wow, Chili Cook-Off was a great success because of YOU! If you attended, donated, made chili, muffins, dessert, set up, took photos, served food, or helped clean up - YOU are appreciated and we owe you a huge Kindred Life: We raised over $4,000 on Saturday for teen...
Doing The Hard Work, Whatever It Takes: Our Board of Directors
When we think of our board, “Whatever it Takes,” is the perfect sum of how their commitment to seeing our vision become a reality truly plays out in real-time. In this interview, Chairwoman, Kim Stevenson, helps us understand what roles a board serves in a ministry...
Fall Kick Off
As our program directors, mentors, and volunteers hold their arms open wide to welcome new and returning teen parents we picture Jesus welcoming the children. This year we are focusing on "WHO IS JESUS?" in our weekly devotionals. There is something fundamentally true...