Sanctity of Human Life Sunday marks the anniversary of Roe V. Wade, instituted by President Regan in 1984 and is celebrated on the Sunday closest to the court decision made on January 22, 1973. This year, Sanctity of Human Life falls on January 19, 2020. Many religious organizations, including Kindred Life have declared the day “holy.”

God has blessed our organization by bringing many children through our doors. Children whose scared, teenage parents chose life. We are not a pro-life pregnancy center. Nor do we get involved in actively protesting any institution that holds values outside of our own.

However, we do use this day to remind our supporters that we do value, choose and honor life which God grants in each living soul. You can learn more about our values and mission on our about page found here: ABOUT Kindred Life.

We also raise awareness by our coin collection drive which we call Sippy Cup Thrive Drive. This little sippy cup tells it’s donor the story of child and teen parent, asks a prayer request and offers a way to easily make a donation on behalf of the family. If you feel called to serve, give or simply raise awareness, would you prayerfully consider joining the movement and hosting a Sippy Cup Drive with your small group, neighbors or friends? Learn More and Sign up Here 

Please consider joining us in prayer for our nation. Use our prayer page here.