Sunday, January 21, 2018 marks Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, a celebration of life on the Sunday that falls closest to the 1973 Roe vs. Wade US Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion.
Kindred Life Ministries shares in celebrating the gift of life with young mothers and fathers who bravely chose life for their children. With support from so many who believe in the vision of this ministry, we help to provide a way for teen parents and their children to engage in the Christian community and learn life skills they need to THRIVE as parents.
For a young mother or father, adjusting to being a new parent and learning the many roles he/she must play can be overwhelming even when other family members may help share child-rearing responsibilities.
Join us in celebrating Sanctity of Human Life Sunday and share Christ’s Love with someone who needs to hear the good news.
Every year at this time we organize the Sippy Cup Thrive Drive, a “coin” collection program to raise awareness of needs and support for the families we serve.
Through the Thrive Drive, individuals, groups, and families have the opportunity to pray for and support a young family through Kindred Life. Sippy cups are distributed for coin collection. Each cup contains a card with prayer requests and picture of a young family that can be kept by the donor as a reminder to continue praying for this young family.
We also include a blank notecard for the donor to express words of encouragement to the young family. Over the years, these cards have been a special gift to our teen parents, helping them to realize the love and care shown by Christians in the community.
The cups are then returned to the place they were distributed. Donations collected allow our teen mothers access to and the ability to pay for childcare, counseling and other family expenses.
To host a drive through your community organization, ministry or business, please contact to arrange distribution and collection dates and times.
Be sure to follow us on facebook where we will share more details throughout the Thrive Drive campaign.