In the wake of the pandemic, our Program Directors presented an idea to support our teen parents. The teen parents we serve presently are challenged with at least one of these situations:
- They live in less than ideal situations. Being at home (nonstop) may not be cozy or peaceful.
- They work as hourly employees. Being out of work may be frightening or dangerous.
- They have few, if any, Christians in their life. Being on “lock-down” may be more isolating.
Our teen parents quite simply need funds to provide for themselves and their little ones during this unprecedented pandemic. And we have the responsibility and privilege to help in practical ways as we are able.
So, we asked for your help, and did you ever respond! Our Cards for Kindred raised 225% of our goal – in 48 hours! Thank you for this outpouring!
Our Program Directors delivered diapers provided by Twice as Nice Mother and Child and a $50 Walmart gift card to each teen mom.

Look at this smile from a happy teen mom receiving a gift of practical help!
More gift cards to Walmart, Aldi, and gas stations will be distributed in the coming days/weeks! This will help our teen families get through a time of unemployment (or under-employment). These gifts also reveal the love of Christ to our precious teen parents and their little ones.
God bless you for the comfort and care you extended to these vulnerable young people. And thank you so much for your generous and quick response. What an encouragement to everyone!