We wanted to make Mother’s Day special for our teen moms by pampering them at a Mother’s Day tea. We couldn’t meet in person so my best hope was to find a beautiful vintage teacup for each mother to remember the special day.
It turned out there was one and I came across an entire beautiful matching tea set. It was within our price range but I wasn’t sure I wanted to buy it. There were no labels so I was unsure of its value. As I inspected the cups more closely I could tell these were hand painted. The artist was very skilled and the design was intricate. They also had a saucer more like a bowl which could indicate these were pretty old so I decided to buy them. Later I learned through some of my own research that these cups were about 200 years old, rare and very valuable!

When Mother’s Day arrived, I was able to tell the teen parents what God had done for them. I believed that God wanted them to know that they were of great worth to Him. Sometimes we feel like this tea set in the thrift store. Someone has put a very low value on us, perhaps by what they have said or how they treated us. Sometimes it’s the voices in our own heads that tell us that we are not worth much but God has something very different to say.
He wanted each of these mothers to know that they had great value in God’s eyes. He made sure they didn’t receive just any teacup but one of great value. He wanted them to know that His love for them was extravagant!
I believe God had a greater purpose in this. In our last meeting we talked about our teacups again. We acknowledged that they were a precious gift but not the most precious gift He had given them. The most precious gift was the Father giving us His Son.
For God so loved the world, that He gave HIs only begotten Son, that whoever believes in HIm shall not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16
We talked about how precious Jesus is for He makes it possible for us to have a relationship with God.
For you were not redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold…but with precious blood…the blood of Christ. 1 Peter 1:18-19
God wanted them to know their great worth so they could learn to trust in His love and overcome fear. We concluded this year by talking about how HIs eye is on the sparrow.
Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear: you are more valuable than many sparrows. Luke 12:6-7
It has been such a privilege to witness God’s care and love for these teen parents, to see Him work to ensure they know they are loved, an important part of the community and of great worth. He wants them to know this so they can learn to trust Him and to not be afraid.