What is in a Sippy Cup? For a teen parent perservering through high school, a part-time job and raising a child in our program, a Kindred Life Sippy Cup offers so much more than just financial support through our program. It is deeply meaningful, LIFE-GIVING, biblical support and encouragement.
How? Each Sippy Cup has a short informational card that explains who Kindred Life is and how we are reaching teen parents and their families. However, the biography tag is where the real connection happens. Each cup is personalized to a young parent and their child(ren) in one of our three offices. Here is Lindsey’s.
Prayer and a personal note of encouragement are what truly connect our supporters directly with one of these hardworking, committed young parents.
In Action? Lindsey is reading one of her personalized notes of encouragement directed to her and her sweet toddler Teagan.
“I was really excited to hear you are going into nursing. …Nursing has always been my passion I was a single parent when I finally got my RN degree. I will not say it was easy, but it was worth it. Our wish for you is that the two of you are blessed many times over and you have God
in the middle of your family always.”
Lindsey was so encouraged by these words she reposted them to her Facebook page seeking to personally thank the author with what she describes as “tear-filled eyes.”
When? Our volunteer Outreach Director, Rachael is ready to set up a Sippy Cup drive for your church, small group, neighborhood or school! Use our online form or email her at Volunteer@KindredLife.org.
Don’t miss this very unique opportunity to connect with a teen parent while also helping support our program with a financial gift of coins, dollars, or checks.