As our program directors, mentors, and volunteers hold their arms open wide to welcome new and returning teen parents we picture Jesus welcoming the children. This year we are focusing on “WHO IS JESUS?” in our weekly devotionals. There is something fundamentally true and right about starting at the beginning. This is also the question many Christians will work on answering throughout their entire lives. Not just who Jesus IS but what that means to be HIS.
Have you answered this question? The best place we can go is to the source. Who does Jesus say HE is? Using the seven, “I AM…” statements, we are focusing on a verse each week. The seven are: I AM the Bread of Life, I AM the Light of the World, I AM the Gatekeeper, I AM the Good Shepherd, I AM the Way, the Truth and The Life, I AM the Resurrection and The Life, and I AM the Vine.
Through this comprehensive look at who Jesus is, our prayer is that the young parents who have come into our care would grow in their knowledge of THE one true Savior. We realize this is the most important gift we can give them for generations. Follow along with our journey on our weekly Facebook Posts and continue to pray.