Program year picThis year our program theme is “Growth Encounters with God.” We learned how to thrive in Jesus our first year as Kindred Life Ministries and exhibit the fruit of the spirit in our second program year. This year we will learn about individuals in The Bible who encountered God and how they grew because of the work He did in their lives.  We are excited to share how the teen parents can apply these situations to their own life stories. God used imperfect people to bring about His plan 2,000 years ago and HE has a plan for each person today!  Our hope and prayer is that we will learn how we can bloom right where Our Creator plants us as we study a bible character each month.  Thank you for claiming Philippians 1:6 (ESV) for our 12 returning families and the nine still yet to join us this year:

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.