God’s goodness. What does it mean? Can it be found in pain, suffering, grief, illness? These are very important, BIG picture questions. These are questions that often allow someone to use their anger with God to separate themselves from his presence or the fellowship of other believers.
The truth is, if you haven’t experienced pain, suffering, grief or illness – you will. It’s a guarantee. We are deteriorating from the day we enter into this world. But take heart, God has left his goodness all over HIS creation. From majestic mountains, to delicate Lilies of the Valley, to his most favored creation – his people. “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.” Genesis 1:31
We are made in his image. “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27
You may have heard all bad things are the result of sin, not just sin but back to the very first sin. While that is absolute truth from the Bible, it is hard for our human brains to understand why God wouldn’t end all the bad. That is tough. The Bible answers this again; because God is just. The most perfect Justice in the universe – it’s creator. Theologians and Divinity Grads write book after book about pain and suffering and God’s justice.
One of my personal favorites is Walking With God Through Pain and Suffering by Tim Keller. Keller’s premise is that God uses the resulting pain and suffering to bring us closer to himself – which is the point of his creation. (That all creation would worship the one, true and Holy God.) Where God makes a demand for justice, he has also created a way. Because of Christ’s ultimate sacrifice for our SIN, we will be united in an eternity without pain, suffering, hunger, or sadness.
Until then?
We press on. Serving and honoring. Worshiping and sometimes trudging. Mourning with those who mourn and rejoicing with those who rejoice.
This month, we are praising God for his provision of staff for our teen parent program. It takes many hands and big hearts to provide programming for the 122 individuals currently served. In recent months several staff have moved on from their roles within Kindred Life. We have struggled. Filling in, wearing multiple hats and trying to keep the train on track. We lost our Outreach Director, Program Director of Antioch, Director of Finance, Gurnee Area Counselor and Wheeling Area Counselor. Within the remaining staff, there have been struggles and suffering within our families. It’s easy to become derailed in a season of transition and trial. It’s easy to question God’s purpose for our lives, our ministry… our families.
But we are confident in our assurance that God is good. His promises are TRUE. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7
We have prayed. YOU have prayed. Our dedicated, faithful board have prayed. Today we are so humbled to introduce to you FIVE new staff members! We are so excited to move forward in 2019 with our strategic plan, revised mission and vision and this staff, assembled in prayer.
Please see our updated staff page to learn more about:
Bethany Breum – Gurnee Area Counselor
Jerry Ruscitti – Director of Finance
Kimberly Lurvey – Supervising Counselor
Paige Neuhaus – Wheeling Area Counselor
Sarah Love – Antioch Area Program Director
Please continue to lift up our teen parents, staff and board as we continue this important work.