Sanctity of Human Life 2021

Sanctity of Human Life 2021

So what actually is Sanctity of Human Life? Sanctity of life. In religion and ethics, inviolability or sanctity of life is a principle of implied protection regarding aspects of sentient life which are said to be holy, sacred, or otherwise of such value that they are...
12 Days of Kindred Christmas

12 Days of Kindred Christmas

Hi friends! 🎄⭐️❄️ Welcome to the 12 Days of Kindred Christmas! 🎄⭐️❄️ For most of our teen parents, the birth of a baby brings a multitude of emotions and life seemingly comes to a raging halt, especially without a broad support system. It is during those times, that...
Deeply Rooted So God Can Move Mountains

Deeply Rooted So God Can Move Mountains

… I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.” Matthew 17:20 Each week seeds of faith are planted as we dig...
2019-2020 Annual Report

2019-2020 Annual Report

As we reflect on the last ministry year, we are filled with awe and wonder but not surprised as God has been our rock, our counselor and our provider. He has broken down walls of fear and has sustained our families, our ministry team including you, our partners. I...